About Us

IMG_5940Summer, FGH Founder, Hike/Event Leader, she/her they/them

Proud weirdo, tomboy femme, sunset slut, moss petter, the ocean is my wife. I’m queer, I hike in dresses. I love fat community and being outside as much as possible. I’m a writer, photographer and crafter (crotchet mostly!) I live in my van on the Oregon coast. I love traveling. I wrote a book! Fat Girls Hiking: An Inclusive Guide to Getting Outdoors at Any Size or Ability was published March 29, 2022 by Timber Press. Book available here: https://www.workman.com/products/fat-girls-hiking/paperback Come laugh with me on a trail, pet the moss, breath the fresh air and go as slow as you like! There are many FGH chapters around the country, we are slowly getting events going again while being mindful of community care and safety with the pandemic. Group hikes, camping trips and retreats can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/fat-girls-hiking-8629131029


Ginamarie, Merch Queen / Community Member, she/her

I’m Ginamarie…a fat Spanish/Indian woman, domestic goddess, Personal Service Worker/In home Caregiver for adults with intellectual and physical challenges as well as aging adults, soon to be student for the first time in…well a long time, a friend, a crafter, a hiker, FGH community member and now Merch Queen!

Being part of FGH has helped me redefine not only how confidently identify but how I choose to move through my days in my body. I am passionate about our mission and statement to all those who don’t “SEE” us beyond our bodies…as if they are anything but GLORIOUS!! I enjoy sharing our logo not just to show pride in my community but in hopes others see it and either ask questions or look us up because Fat Girls Hiking is a gift of adventure,unconditional love, support and strength!