Denver, CO

Denver, CO has a FGH chapter as of June 2019!  Erin & Lauren are your ambassadors and can be reached at:

Erin, she/her/hers

Hi everyone, I’m Erin and I am so excited to be an ambassador for FGH Denver! I’m a fat, bisexual, disabled woman and although I wasn’t born in Denver, I grew up here. Growing up in Colorado afforded me many opportunities to get outdoors. My fondest childhood memories are of my friends and me getting dirty in Cherry Creek. We spent many summer days in the water and avoiding local wildlife like rattlesnakes and coyotes. After getting really sick and being diagnosed with my disability, I became very insecure with my body and being in the outdoors. I didn’t hike or go outdoors for a long time and even when I did, I felt like an outsider. Finding a fat and body positive community online has helped me take small steps back in nature and I love the way I feel when I get outside in the Colorado sunshine. My love of the outdoors has even influenced my career as a Meteorologist. I fell in love with thunderstorms at a young age and in the summer, you can sometimes find me storm chasing in Eastern Colorado.

Other things you may want to know about me, I’m married to a wonderful man and we have a sweet baby of the canine kind named Jack. You may get to meet him on one of our dog friendly hikes! I’m a photographer and love to photograph people. My favorite nature scent is the sweet smell of Ponderosa Pine trees. Most importantly, I want our FGH community to be a place where we can feel safe to grow, learn, and just be in nature together. Can’t wait to hit the trails with you, Denver!

Lauren, she/her/hers

Hello! My name is Lauren and I’m so thrilled to be an ambassador for Fat Girls Hiking. I never felt like the outdoors was a place for me, but grew up riding horses and working on a farm which gave me a lot of time in nature and am hoping to expand my horizons, so to speak. I was raised in Florida where the days were hot and the hikes were flat, but moved to the Denver area about a year ago. Since then, I’ve fallen in love with hiking even though I’m a total beginner. Between the weather, lack of humidity and beautiful views, I’ve really come to love being outdoors here. Hiking has become a great way for me to redefine my relationship with my body, cultivate peaceful moments and just enjoy all the beauty this world has to offer. A bit more about me: I work in marketing, have three dogs and two kitties, am a huge Harry Potter nerd and am a little obsessed with video games. Although I’m not fluent, I am Puerto Rican and speak quite a bit of Spanish. I’m looking forward to making new friends and creating a fabulous, inclusive space in a beautiful setting.