
Hikes & other events for the Missoula area will be posted on the main social media pages as well as the Eventbrite page, ‘follow’ Fat Girls Hiking to receive an email whenever a new hike is posted:  https://www.eventbrite.com/o/fat-girls-hiking-8629131029

Shelby and Jenny can be reached at:  fghmissoula@gmail.com

Shelby, she/her

Three 20180922_125141(1)reasons why I love to hike:
1. When I’m out there – out IN it – I feel like my best self. I reclaim that wrinkled confidence that I had
lost way back when. I feel good in my skin. I see beauty.
2. I don’t have to figure it all out before I hit the trail. I’ve found solid ground, and I got there in teeny-
tiny, super-practical steps.
3. Being out in nature doesn’t require me to defend or deny my size. I got grit, and I got girth. The
outdoors has helped me live in that largess. I’m already taking up more space, so I like to tell
myself, “GIRL, START TAKING UP SPACE!” Inhabit it. Live large in it. There’s so much in our
Missoula valley to see. Let’s get out there and find it!

Jenny, she/herAAF9DCD6-CF85-447A-A8E5-83BB4348F950

Hi! I’m Jenny, and I am so excited to be a Missoula, MT Co-Ambassador. I moved to Montana from Wisconsin in 2016, and fell in love with the mountains. I grew up on a farm and spent plenty of time outdoors as a kid, but had never really hiked before. It only took a couple hikes and I was hooked. I was completing an internship to become a dietitian, and learning about Health at Every Size (HAES) while I was discovering my love for the outdoors. I remember feeling so relieved realizing that I could pursue health and love my body without pursuing weight loss. Learning to embrace the body I have by moving it and nourishing it in ways that feel good has been literally life changing. I hope to help others enjoy the outdoors and the fellowship of people in all bodies through this organization.

On the trail I feel joyful, strong, proud, and at home. I remember looking down the trail after one of the more intense hikes I’ve done and gaining a new appreciation for my legs, lungs, and heart that had carried me up to the awesome view. I love hiking, of course, but I also enjoy yoga, camping, cooking and baking, kayaking, and reading. You’ll probably also get to meet my handsome rescue dog, Zip on our dog friendly hikes.